Good Times Country Cookin’

Good Times Country Cookin’
449 N. Indian Creek, Clarkston, GA
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“Ain’t no cookin’ like country cookin’.” Bubber

My diet has been better than usual lately.  I’ve been laying off sugar, trying to eat right, and getting a little exercise.  But then comes the call of duty of my OTP Memorial Drive Food world wide inter web site. Sometimes a man has  gotta do what he has to do.

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I was asked by a neighbor (if you read this please remind me who you are, por favor!) if I had eaten at Good Times. I had not. It is not quite on Memorial Drive.  I’m never sure where the exact boundaries are that I’m supposed to be reviewing. Does a restaurant have to be sitting right on Memorial Drive and outside the perimeter.   So I thought about it  and figured — close enough for for government work.  Is it so wrong?
Tina, my wife who has been reluctant to accompany me to some of  the more gastronomically questionable restaurants, came along. I think the rational, reasonable part of her brain was affected because she  was groggy from  a cold. But I was very glad she went.
Good Times is right at the intersection of Rockbridge and Memorial but actually on Indian Creek if that makes any sense.  It is decorated with bright yellow signs with a smiling emoji.  Once inside Tina asked an elder Clarkston citizen who was eating what Good Times used to be and was told, “Donnies” and the img_5195small exit sign confirmed it. I think it was something img_5196before Donnie’s because it looks kinda like a Wendy’s or McDonald’s design. Maybe an Arby’s or the Hamburger Wagon.
Any-who it is now Good Times Country Cookin’. Why Good Times? We got a hint by the pictures on the bulletin board.  Photos of the actors and actresses from “Good Times.”   And a very neat bulletin board it was. All the pictures, signs (This restaurant only uses 0% trans fat frying oil for your health), and menus neatly pinned to the cork.  The proprietor is Korean and the women who worked there Burmese. So do the math: Good Times + Korea + Burma + Clarkston + southern food = this is probably going to be good.img_5188
And the cookin’ was country. It is cafeteria style that serves turkey, sweet potato dressing, fried fish, fried pork chops, rice,  mashed potatoes, collards, broccoli, and corn muffins. At the end of line are chopped onions and lemon wedges. Asking price for meat and 2? $6.54 with tea! Looks like a good deal but is it?
Yes. I had the fried pork chops, mashed potatoes/gravy, collards,

Paramedic tells Tina he eats here often.
Paramedic tells Tina he eats here often.

and a corn muffin. Tina had fried fish, broccoli (which was steamed and crunchy!), sweet potato dressing, and a roll (more on this roll later).
I report to you that this is fine comfort food and you deserve to drive over to Good Times Country Cookin’ and indulge yourself especially if you have had a hard day and people have  been less than kind or  you happen to feel   physically, emotionally, or intellectually a little pewley (sp?).   Plus Good Times  serve such big portions that you will  have comfort food at your next meal (unless you are totally out of control and right on, no judgement in that). They gave me two pieces of pork chops and Tina three fried fish.  The crust on the pork chop was crispy, crunchy, and tasty like Mee Maw or Big Big or Nana served upimg_5193 back in the day way back yonder and over there in them somewhat fictitious good ol’ days . Yum. And the collards? They are good and cooked with little or no meat. Tina’s fish was delicious but I liked my fried poke chop better. She got the best side dish  with the sweet potato dressing which she topped with chopped onion.  So we were stepping in high cotton. But my friend I will tell you straight out the glass was 99.5% full. The roll was  straight out of a Costco package blah kinda of thing. It’s a little img_5190unkind to even mention it except I do have my reviewer credo that I must live by:  semper nasopharyngialibus non punchibus — always never get punched in the nose.  No wait, that is my comedy credo.  My reviewer credo: semper dicere verum — always try to tell the truth. Just remember Good Times Country Cookin’ — 99.5%  delicious. I gotta give Good Times Country Cookin‘  rating of 4-nice! (rating system explained)  I’ll be back for breakfast and then dinner again. But I’m spacing out my visits because of my diet. Hopefully I will have this eating  extravaganza worked off in a few days and then bring it on bang a gong!

P.L.A.I.N. Pancake Breakfast

Where: Pine Lake, GA, Beach House
When: First Saturday morning of the month, 8:30am – 10:30am
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You don’t need a silver fork to eat good food. Paul Prudhomme

IMG_5103For this review I veered off course and into Pine Lake, GA which is located about mile from Memorial Drive.
The Pine Lake Association of Involved Neighbors held its regular first Saturday of the month Pancake Breakfast at the Beach House on…drum roll… Saturday, September 3.
The sun was just beginning to peek  over the eastern wetlands of  Pine Lake as I arrived  to watch the breakfast  setup and preparations.   Present were Stephanie (Breakfast Co-ordinator),  Greg (Pres.),  Tina (V-Pres), Susan (Editor in Chief), and Bree (Volunteer extraordinaire).   Eggs and pancake batter were beaten softly yet vigorously,  sausages  &  bacon were thrown firmly yet ever so gently on the grill.  Tables and chairs were efficiently setup,  large volumes of coffee, orange juice, and water carefully and artfully presented. The pancake breakfast doesn’t just happen. It is all about fast paced,  take no prisoners, hard charging, get ‘er done, heads up work.IMG_5100 IMG_5094

Gentle strains of Mark Knopfler’s music played in the background as the symphony of cooking reached a fever pitch.  Egg shells flew, batter plopped IMG_5108 IMG_5120 IMG_5106and sizzled on the griddle and meat and meat-like products crackled and frizzled over the electric fire of the teflon grill.  It was asses and elbows in the kitchen my friend.

And what did this frantic symphony of energy produce?  How about pancakes light and fluffy,  eggs flocculent and velutinous,  bacon and sausages lush and succulent, IMG_5110 tangy  OJ,  and coffee with a bright flavor and earthy aroma.   Hyperbole you say?  I say, “nothing but the  truth my friend!”  Especially when I consider the love that went into every beaten egg, every drop of batter, each and every slice o’ bacon,  link o’ sausage, and every sip of savory  coffee and  fortified OJ!

And what would you expect to pay for such fare? 15, 20 or more  of your hard earned dollars?  Nay, I say!  Seven (7) dollars American for non members! If you are a member of PLAIN it cost a mere 6 dollars. And if you bring your own utensils and help save the environment… get a dollar off an already fabulous deal.  A deal is a deal, my friend, and this is a deal!  My suggestion to you is to join this fine cadre of  caring community members.  And if for some reason you can’t join PLAIN,   join PLAIN for breakfast!  My rating?  5-wowzer! Click here to see rating system explained.  To join PLAIN visit